January 19, 2000
CT Scan, MRI and PET
What are the differences? CT, MRI and PET scans are all
diagnostic tools to non-invasively (non-surgically) look inside the body. They
are all based on the fact that certain things happen to atoms in our bodies
when they absorb energy. Resonance refers to the level of absorption achieved
by adjusting the frequency of the radiation and the strength of the magnetic
field like tuning a radio to a particular station.
(computerized tomography) uses a sophisticated X ray machine combined with a
computer to create a detailed picture of the bodys tissues and structure.
Usually a special dye called a contrast material will be injected prior to the
scan. This makes it easier to see abnormal tissue due to specific absorption
Nuclear magnetic resonance is produced by measuring the
magnetism of spinning electrons and protons and their interactions with nearby
atoms (usually protons) when they absorb energy. This provides information
about the chemical structure of organic molecules. The use of the word
nuclear has recently been avoided and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) is now preferred. MRI uses a magnetic field from super-cooled magnets and
can often distinguish more accurately between healthy and diseased tissue. A
contrast agent is usually used. MRI can provide pictures from various angles
and construct a three dimensional image. Some patients who have received
certain types of surgical clips, metallic fragments, cardiac monitors or
pacemakers cannot receive this type of scan.
Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) scans measure emissions from positron-emitting molecules.
Because many useful, common elements have positron emitting forms (carbon,
nitrogen, and oxygen), valuable functional information can be obtained. This is
the main difference between the CT and MRI scans. The PET shows molecular
function and activity not structure, and therefore can often differentiate
between normal and abnormal (cancerous / tumor) or live versus dead tissue.
Like SPECT (single photon emission tomography), PET also can product three
dimensional images, and is usually used to compliment rather than replace the
information obtained from CT or MRI scans.
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Chemotherapy is Not Always the Answer
For many people, chemotherapy can help destroy the cancer that is attacking
their bodies. However, it's not always the answer. Some people actually become
immune to the harsh treatment. A new drug could be the answer this group of
people has been waiting for.
here to review article.
New Compound Shows Potential as
Therapeutic Cancer Therapy Scientists at the University of Nebraska
Medical Center have demonstrated that AVI's antisense compounds, Neugenes(R),
effectively regulate p53 gene action at significantly lower doses than earlier
generations of antisense compounds.
here to review article.
Researchers Discover Early Stages of
Tumor Development Mark Dewhirst and colleagues at Duke University have
seen the earliest stages of a tumor forming and had found a new class of cancer
drugs that mmay be used to stop tumors from spreading.
here to review article.
Advanced DNA-based Technology Detects
the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the Cause of Virtually all Cervical Cancer
LabCorp will begin utilizing the Digene Hybrid Capture II HPV Test for
women with ASCUS (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) or
borderline Pap smear results. Utilization of Digene's HPV test permits
physicians and their patients to immediately know their risk status. Women with
a negative HPV test result have the peace of mind in knowing that they are at
greatly reduced risk for developing cervical cancer. |