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FAT: Calorifically enhanced.

FATTY ACIDS aid in oxygen transport through blood to all cells, tissues, and organs. They help maintain resilience and lubrication of all cells, and combine with protein and cholesterol to form living membranes that hold body cells together. They break up cholesterol deposits on arterial walls, thereby preventing arteriosclerosis. Fatty acids are necessary for the function of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when your baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots.

FIBER: Edible wood-pulp said to aid digestion and prolong life, so that we might enjoy another six or eight years in which to consume wood-pulp.

FISTULA refers to any abnormal communication or passage between two internal organs, or from an internal organ to the skin.

FRANGULIN FACTORS are a group of two compounds consisting of frangulin A and B. They are found in

buckthorn, cascara sagrada and many other plants. Frangulin A and B are anthraquinone glycosides. Frangulin A and B are cathartic and act on the large intestines to increase peristalsis. Frangulin A and B cause the cathartic action through stimulation of the appropriate nerves after being absorbed in the bloodstream.

FLAVONE , a crystalline substance, the 4-keto series of flavonoids, able to reverse increased capillary fragility; numerous yellow dyes having similar properties are derived from it.

FLAVONOID , a generic term for a group of compounds widely distributed in higher plants; one subgroup (anthocyanins) account for most of the yellow, red, and blue pigmentation, while another (bioflavonoids) are concerned in maintenance of a normal state of capillary walls.

FRUCTOSE (levulose) is a simple carbohydrate widely distributed in organism, plants, and animals. It can be found in fruit juices, honey, and sugarcane. Fructose in the body may be changed into glucose by the liver and intestines. As glucose it is used by the body in several ways, including as a source of energy. Fructose is the sweetest of sugars. It is used therapeutically as a fluid and nutrient replenisher.

FUMARIC ACID is a plant acid found in angelica root. It is used as a substitute for tartaric acid in beverages and baking powders, and as an antioxidant. Fumaric acid is reported to have some anticancer activities.

FUNGUS is a general term for a relatively small group of eukaryotic protists. They are characterized by the absence of chlorophyll and the presence of a rigid cell wall.

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