This diet is high in unrefined complex
carbohydrates and fibers. It is designed to help stabilize blood glucose in
those individuals who have blood glucose intolerances. This diet was designed
by Dr. James Anderson, an endocrinologist at the University of Kentucky Medical
School who has evaluated its effectiveness in maturity-onset diabetes. This
diet is useful for the management of the obese insulin-insensitive diabetic and
the non-insulin requiring diabetic.
The diet is built upon the recognition
that each food has its own glycemic index (a measure of how a food influences
blood sugar consumption.) Foods with lower glycemic index result in lower
postprandial (after eating) blood sugar levels. Such foods are those found in a
Lente diet (as used by the Seventh Day Adventists) and include beans, green
peas, whole grain products and low-fat dairy products.
This diet abbreviated HFC, (high-fiber,
high-complex carbohydrate diet) is adequate in protein, vitamins and minerals.
Those individuals who are wheat or corn allergic may have a more difficult time
with this diet due to the high grain composition of the diet. In these cases
management may be better achieved by use of the high protein diet.
Individualized treatment is essential for
diabetics with specific metabolic complications associated with the disease. A
physician and a dietician should be consulted in order to adjust meal patterns
to the patients needs and lifestyle while maintaining dietary
Because food, insulin, and exercise
influence blood sugar concentration, these three factors must be taken into
consideration when treating diabetes.
When used, insulin determines the time of
day when food intake is most critical.
Physical activity promotes a more rapid
absorption of glucose in the muscles which tends to decrease blood glucose.
This reduces the need for insulin and increases food requirements. A planned
snack should be included in the meal plan to provide for extra activity,
following these guidelines:
For each hour of moderate activity, 10 to
15 grams carbohydrates and 15 grams protein should be consumed.
For each hour of strenuous activity, 20 to
30 grams carbohydrates and 15 grams protein should be consumed.
Meal and snack timing is essential for
persons with diabetes, particularly those receiving insulin or oral
hypoglycemic agents. Considerations include the number, time, and spacing of
meals, with the primary objective being the prevention of hypoglycemia by
supplying sufficient available glucose. For this reason, the individuals
food intake is usually divided into three meals (four to five hours apart) and
one to three daily snacks.
- 1/2 cup orange juice
- 2 tablespoons raisins
- 2 slices whole wheat bread (toasted)
- 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
- 1 cup skim milk
- 1/2 cup apple juice
- 2 slices whole wheat bread, sliced lettuce and
tomato for sandwich
- 1/2 cup steamed carrots
- 3 ounces sliced turkey breast
- 1 apple
- 1 cup skim milk
- 1/3 cup cooked corn
Afternoon Snack
- 1 cup popcorn (no butter)
- 1 apple
- 1/2 cup grapefruit juice
- 1 cup brown rice
- 1 teaspoon margarine or butter
- 2 teaspoons oil and vinegar dressing
- 1/2 cup skim milk
- 1 cup salad: romaine or Boston lettuce, sliced
carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, green pepper, celery
- 4 ounces broiled halibut
- 1 cup steamed broccoli
- 2 slices whole wheat bread
- 1 banana
Evening Snack
- 1/2 cup skim milk
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter
- 1 small apple
- 6 rye wafers
- 1 small pear
Nutrient Content
- Calories: 2400
- Carbohydrate: 65%
- Cholesterol: 200 mg
- Protein: 15%
- Fat: 20%
- Fiber: 17 g

The number of food exchange list units
shown apply to a 2,400 calorie Carbohydrate Intolerance Diet. The calorie
levels and number of food exchange list units are provided only as examples; it
should not be assumed that they apply to all diabetics.
Bread and Cereal Exchange List:
12 servings per day
- Whole wheat bread
- Potatoes
- Beans (dried)
- Lentils
- Cereals
- Sweet potato
- Green peas
- Refined, fiber-free breads and cereals
- Sugar-coated cereals
- Baked goods containing large amounts of fats and sugar
such as doughnuts and sweet rolls
Fat Exchange List:
7 servings per day
Recommended: Polyunsaturated salad
oils such as:
Avoid: Saturated fats such as:
Fruit Exchange List:
9 servings per day
- Fresh or frozen fruits or juices
Avoid: Canned fruits (with syrup
Meat and Meat Substitute Exchange
7 servings per day
- Lean meats
- Fish
- Eggs
- Low fat cheeses such as
- Poultry
- Shellfish
- Mozzarella
- Cottage cheese
- Sausages
- Luncheon meats
- Fatty cheeses such as cream cheese
Milk Exchange List:
3 servings per day
- Skim milk
- Buttermilk made from skim milk or milk (2%
- Milk (2% fat)
- Yogurt made from skim milk or milk (2% fat)
- Whole milk or whole milk products
- Ice cream (see liquid and clear liquid substitutions
for exceptions)
Vegetable Exchange List:
3 servings per day
- Fresh vegetables or vegetable juices
- Avoid: Canned or frozen vegetables
Miscellaneous Exchange List
- Homemade, fat-free soups and broths
- Avoid: Refined and processed sweets, such as
Note: Include six to eight cups of
fluids, such as water per day.
Liquid and Clear Liquid
When a diabetic is unable to eat solid
food, it may be necessary to substitute liquid or clear liquid foods. To
contribute towards the patients caloric requirements, the physician or
dietitian may suggest the use of sweetened liquids. In such a case refined,
highly concentrated sources of sugar are permitted. The following show
carbohydrate and calorie values for selected foods from the liquid diet.
- 1 cup ginger ale or lemon-lime drink 70 calories 18
- 1/2 cup cereal - cream of wheat with 1/4 cup skim milk
55-65 calories 8 grams
- 1/2 cup soft custard 160 calories 18 grams
- 1 cup eggnog 230 calories 20 grams
- 1/2 cup fruit-flavored gelatin dessert 70 calories 17
- 1/2 cup ice cream 150 calories 15 grams
- 1/2 cup sherbet 130 calories 30 grams
- 1 tablespoon sugar 45 calories 12 grams
Include six to eight cups of fluids, such
as water, per day.
Anderson, J., Kiehm, T.G., Ward, K.,
"Beneficial Effects of a High Carbohydrate Diet on Hyperglycemic Diabetic Men".
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Kirby, R.W., Anderson, J.W., Sieling, B.,
Rees, E.D., Chen, W.J., Miller, R.E., Kay, R.M., "Oat-bran Intake Selectively
Lowers Serum Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentrations of
Hypercholesterolemic Men." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. |