The clear liquid diet is composed of foods
with low residue content which are liquid in form to minimize the load of food
needing digestion in the intestines. This diet is used after an operation or
acute inflammation of the intestinal tract. It also has application in many
illnesses characterized by a high fever.
This diet is designed to provide adequate
amounts of fluid electrolytes and modest rapidly absorbed calories so as to
promote a return to normal diets.
By definition, this diet is very low in
calories and will result in muscle wasting (loss) if continued indefinitely.
This diet is also below the RDA in all vitamin and mineral components except
vitamin C, and can promote deficiency if not supplemented with an absorbable
micronutrient preparation. This diet should not be continued beyond two days
without protein, calorie, vitamin, and mineral supplementation.
- 1 cup apple juice (strained)
- 1/2 cup fruit-flavored gelatin dessert
- 1/2 cup broth
- Hot, non-caloric beverage
Mid-Morning Snack
- 1 cup orange juice (strained)
- 1/2 cup fruit-flavored gelatin
- 1 cup broth
Mid-Afternoon Snack
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1/2 cup fruit flavored gelatin dessert
- 1/2 cup broth
- Hot, non-caloric beverage
Evening Snack
Nutrient Content
- Calories: 790
- Protein: 3%
- Carbohydrate: 92%
- Fat: 5%
- Cholesterol: 20 mg
- Fiber: 3 g

Bread and Cereal Exchange List
Recommended: Gelatin
Avoid: All others
Fat Exchange List
Recommended: None
Avoid: All
Fruit Exchange List
Recommended: Clear and strained fruit
juices or drinks
Avoid: All others
Meat and Meat Substitute
Exchange List
Recommended: None
Avoid: All
Milk Exchange List
Recommended: None
Avoid: All
Vegetable Exchange List
Recommended: None
Avoid: All
Miscellaneous Exchange List
- Coffee (black)
- Carbonated beverages
- Ice
- Tea (black)
- Fat free broth
Avoid:All others not noted above
Number of food exchange list units are not
applicable in the Clear Liquid Diet.
Iowa Dietetics Association. 1984.
"Simplified Diet Manual: with Meal Patterns," 5th ed. Iowa State University
Press; Ames, Iowa. 108 pp.
Chicago Dietetic Association and the South
Suburban Dietetic Association of Cook and Will Counties. 1981. Manual of
Clinical Dietetics. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
American Cancer Society. Facts on Prostate
Cancer. |