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The Purge


The Purge is a two day protocol which puts the body at rest and aids the rapid removal of metabolic wastes. The Purge pushes the body into an alkaline state in which repair and rebuilding of damaged tissues occurs rapidly.

The Purge should be done every other month alternating with the Liver Flush. Do the Purge one month, the Liver Flush the next month, then the Purge the next month, etc.

Juice the following citrus fruits and pour into a gallon juice container: 6 grapefruits, 6 lemons, 12 oranges. Add purifed water to make one gallon. Refrigerate.

On both days follow this schedule:

1) Upon rising, drink one tablespoon of Epsom Salts dissolved in 4 ounces of purifed


2) One half hour later, drink one tablespoon of Epsom Salts dissolved in 4 ounces of

purifed water.

3) One half hour later, drink one tablespoon of Epsom Salts dissolved in 4 ounces of

purifed water. You will now have taken three doses over a one hour period.

4) Two hours later, drink 8-ounces of the fruit punch.

5) Every hour thereafter, drink 8-ounces of the fruit punch.

Eat no food during the two-day Purge except, if you wish, an orange for dinner.

During the Purge you may feel a variety of symptoms such as nausea, headaches, muscle aches and pains. Such symptoms indicate the body is moving stored wastes and should not cause alarm.

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