Method of
Chromium is a cofactor of the glucose tolerance factor
(GTF), which facilitates the binding of insulin to cell membranes. It
accomplishes this by bridging the gap between the insulin molecule and the
membrane, thereby allowing easier uptake of glucose from the cells by insulin.
Niacin is also postulated as a constituent of the GTF.
Chromium is a cofactor of trypsin, and is important in
the regulation of various enzymatic activities. Aside from its effects on the
metabolism of carbohydrates, chromium is postulated as a factor in lipid
metabolism and has been found, in small quantities, to be associated with RNA.
Once absorbed, chromium excretion occurs primarily in
urine. For this reason, urine chromium concentration is a good indicator of the
bodys chromium status. Efficiency of absorption is 1 to 20
percent. |