A decade ago words like phytochemical or phosphatidylserine either didn't exist or were unfamiliar outside of the scientific community. One of the pitfalls of taking an active interest in nutrition is the tendency to forget the basics. You use Pure Red and Pure Green Power every day, but are a multivitamin and B complex part of your daily regimen? Recent research indicates that vitamins and minerals play a much larger role than simply providing a solid foundation for overall good health. Just consider these findings on the relatively inexpensive B vitamins:
As you might expect, every study concludes with a caution that there is no positive proof and further study is necessary. Only a fool would say, "We don't need more research money."! Considering how inexpensive high quality B complex is, we would be fools not to take them. Taking a B complex supplement is also a good idea because the vitamins are more biologically available than those in food which must go through more metabolic steps before the body can utilize them. With the exception of a B-12 supplement for seniors, taking a B complex is preferable to supplementing with specific B vitamins. You'll save money and B vitamins probably work synergistically.
The B vitamins are an excellent antidote for stress because they seem to calm nerves. If you work in a stressful environment or find yourself snapping, keep a bottle of B complex nearby. If your teenager seems to get touchy for no reason, hand him/her a B complex every day.
There is little danger of overdose because B vitamins are water soluble. Your body excretes what it doesn't need, but this also means that B vitamins have to be constantly replenished. There is an easy, no cost way to see if you are getting enough B - note the color of your urine. If it is almost colorless, you need B. When your body is saturated with B, your urine will almost be a fluorescent yellow.
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